Category Archive: Miscellaneous

Action & Filter Hook Load Order

There are lots of great resources out there, which list and detail WordPress’ multitude action and filter hooks. But not many which detail the order in which they’re called. This is probably because the decision tree gets complex as you traverse the load order — what kind of page is being requested … is it in the admin backend … ... 

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Adding images to e-mails

WordPress gives you complete access to its use of the PHPMailer class / object, through the ‘phpmailer_init’ action.

I use this action all the time, for the sole purpose of sending e-mails from development machines which otherwise wouldn’t send without tedious configuration. I use the WP docs’ example pretty much verbatim:

… of course I never get it right the first time, ... 

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Command-line helpers

Here are two helpful command-line (Linux) tools which are immensely helpful when working on large themes, particularly if you’re modifying someone else’s work. Both require you to first navigate to the directory in which your files reside (see below for a primer).

1. Find all instances of something.

This will respond with all files in which your “something” resides (quotes not needed ... 

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