Draft status highlighting

A client wanted to display items with ‘Draft’ status differently (gray color) in the admin list pages. Some might argue I’m a sloppy coder for using inline CSS, but there’s something I like about targeted post types, particularly in admin pages. Anyway, here’s a good example of using the ‘admin_footer’ action and certain global variables, very useful.

This snippet (stick it in your ‘functions.php’ file) changes the link color for posts, pages, and a specially-registered post type called ‘doohickey’ here:

// make draft status items gray instead of blue link color
function bdes_draftcss_lists() {
	global $typenow, $pagenow;
	if ($pagenow != 'edit.php') return;
	switch ($typenow):
		case 'post':
		case 'page':
		case 'doohickey':
		?><style type="text/css">
			tr.status-draft td.post-title a {
				color: #777;
		<?php break;