Hook load order by activity

Choose an activity from this list to display the load order of all WordPress’ action hooks (bluish) and filters (gray) when performing the activity. Click each hook name to view documentation.

Please note:

  • Duplicate calls are omitted, no matter when they appear in the load order. This list only indicates the first instance of each hook from the same file & line number. Some filters, particularly formatting ones like sanitize_key, are called many times throughout the load order. Since each is listed only once, some may look as if they can’t be hooked by plugins or themes, but that’s misleading.
  • List was generated using WordPress 4.1 (single-site).
  • List was generated using a fairly standard blog theme, which implements sidebars on each page.
  • Calls from script files within theme and plugin directories are omitted.
  • No distinction is made for variable hook names, e.g. ‘option_siteurl’ is listed but is documented as a variable filter ‘option_{option_name}.’