Preload Images

Here’s an easy way to manage your image preloads from anywhere in your PHP functions. We can simply build a globalized array of all image sources prior to outputting the page, then hook into the wp_footer action to output the required Javascript.

Each time your code encounters an image source that must be preloaded, simply call wpcx_add_preload_img($src) to add it to the preload queue.

This uses jQuery, but could easily be converted to standard Javascript.

// add an img src to the preload queue
function wpcx_add_preload_img($src) {
	global $wpcx_preload_srcs;
	if (!is_array($wpcx_preload_srcs)) $wpcx_preload_srcs = array();
	$wpcx_preload_srcs[] = $src;
// preload queued img srcs
function wpcx_echo_preload_script() {
	global $wpcx_preload_srcs;
	if (empty($wpcx_preload_srcs)) return;
	if (!wp_script_is('jquery')) wp_enqueue_script('jquery');
	<script type="text/javascript">
	/* <![CDATA[ */
			$(<?php echo json_encode($wpcx_preload_srcs) ?>).each(function(){
				$('<img />')[0].src = this;
	/* ]]> */