Topic: TinyMCE Interaction

Blurbette Plugin: Copy Metabox

In this chapter, I’ll create the metabox enabling a user to copy any post to a new Blurbette. This action shouldn’t force the user to leave the edit panel, so copying ought to take place via AJAX. And, for good measure, why not track whether a post has already been copied to a Blurbette, and link to it?

My plan is ... 

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Blurbette Plugin: TinyMCE Control

This time I’ll define a TinyMCE Control class that must be instantiated.

The last one, the Shortcode class, works fine without instantiating because all its properties are one-offs, and its public elements are available to all scopes (global and function).

This class defines a ‘thing’ that has unique properties, and there might be more than one of these ‘things,’ so it must ... 

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